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Flat Rate Managed IT Services and Support

Take the Complexity Out of IT Support and Make Sure Every Base is Covered

The IT Team You Need to Cover Every Base

It used to be that small businesses had small IT needs but that isn’t the case anymore. With increased threats to security and the vital role that technology plays in business operations, every business needs sophisticated IT support. That’s why more and more organizations are turning to managed IT services to cover all of the IT bases needed to minimize risks and keep operations up and running smoothly.

What is Managed IT Services?

Managed IT Services refers to comprehensive IT services that are provided by an MSP (managed service provider) for a fixed monthly rate.

With this model, the MSP and the client share the same goal to have the IT function running smoothly. To do this, the MSP assumes responsibility and provides unlimited support for designated aspects of IT, and the client organization commits to investing in the equipment and software that will improve the operation and security of their systems.

Proactive Approach to Managing IT for Better Results

Many companies who make the move to managed IT services have been relying on one or two-person teams who don’t have all the skills or the bandwidth to do much more than fix problems as they occur. Managed IT services allows you to proactively manage the IT function so that your people and your goals are no longer hindered but enabled by technology. The results show up in improved business outcomes, and IT costs are controlled.

Related: What Do Managed IT Services Providers (MSPs) Do?

  • Joseph Joswiak
    Opening Quotation Mark

    One person can’t stay up on the technology and understand everything. They’re only as good as what they know. I appreciate Accent has many levels of employees -- from the individuals who come in to lay the cable, to the people who understand the software, to the people who understand all the hardware components, to virtual CIOs who understand the whole gamut of what’s new in the industry and how those new features or systems blend back into what we do, or how it can benefit us.

    Closing Quotation Mark
    Joe Joswiak, CFO
    Chino Basin Watermaster

All-Inclusive or Partial Managed IT Services from Accent

We offer all-inclusive and partial managed IT services to Southern California organizations that either don’t have the resources, or find it cost-prohibitive to staff an entire IT department, purchase and maintain expensive equipment, keep software systems up and running, manage security, and make executive decisions about complex subjects that affect the bottom line.

Some of the benefits associated with managed IT services include:

  • Predictable Monthly IT Costs & Flat-Fee Billing
  • Operational Efficiencies
  • Proactive Network Monitoring
  • Desktop Optimization
  • Regular Software Updates
  • Regulatory Compliance Assistance
  • Advanced Cyber Security Protections
  • 24-hour Support Services
  • Minimal Downtime
  • Preventative Network Maintenance

How Accent Delivers IT Services

Each Accent client has a designated support team that works collaboratively to deliver all of the services that are needed for a fully staffed IT department.

If you were going to do this yourself, you would need many different people with very different talents and skills to:

  1. Manage your infrastructure.
  2. Strategize, plan and budget for the future. 
  3. Resolve issues and take care of routine tasks.
  4. Enhance the way your business uses technology.

Our services are structured so clients have all the resources they need for each discipline within the framework. Teams meet weekly to review client status and progress, and they own client success. The result is fast response when you need help right now and continuous improvement of the IT function in your business.

Instead of a necessary evil, technology becomes a competitive advantage.

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Ready for Better IT Results? Let's Talk

For an evaluation of your business and a recommendation for a managed IT services strategy that coincides with your specific business needs, give us a call or schedule a free consultation.

We’re happy to share our expertise with you, whether or not you decide to work with us or not.

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What You Need to Know About Managed IT Services  👇

Managed IT is the Opposite of Break/Fix

One of the best ways to figure out if managed IT support is right for you is to compare it with its opposite. We’re referring to the break/fix model of IT support. This simply means that your IT company only responds when you have an issue. Something breaks. They fix it.

With a break/fix model, the more IT problems you have, the more money the IT company charges you and it’s not in their best interest to get to the root cause of your problems. In fact, they might not have the expertise or the time to accurately diagnose and present solutions for recurring issues.

What invariably goes wrong with the break/fix model is that technology frustrations build up. People avoid calling IT support because they don’t have confidence in the IT department’s ability to help. They make their own workarounds which often end up compromising security. IT unpredictability negatively affects the way that employees can meet customer needs, and this usually shows up in disappointing company performance.

Related: 7 Managed IT Services Myths to Slay

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The Connection Between Managed IT and Predictable Results

When you arrive at your office each day, you want your technology tools to work and you want them to be fast. The only way for that to happen is through proactive management. This includes not just management of your computers, but management of your whole network and the security of your systems and data.

Managed IT companies work with their clients to establish industry best practices that turn an unpredictable IT environment into a predictable one.

Related: How to Get the Most from Your Managed IT Services Relationship

Some examples of best practices are:

  • Creating a multi-layered cyber defense
  • Establishing a hardware refresh cycle
  • 24/7 monitoring for errors
  • Establishing appropriate data backup and recovery procedures
  • Consistent updating of software and operating systems
  • Monitoring and controlling internet bandwidth
  • Reviewing user permissions and access
  • Making sure your systems are optimized for performance

Your Role in the Relationship with a Managed IT Service Provider

Managed IT services are not a magic bullet. Your role is vital in your own success.

As your provider commits to bringing you the expertise and specialized tools that are needed to establish best practices, you will need to commit to making the right IT investments that will continually improve your network. 

Fortunately, managed IT services companies like Accent, also provide IT guidance as a part of their services.

Having access to an experienced IT advisor will help you to create a plan for IT improvement with a budget and priorities to steer you along the path to predictable IT.

These advisors help you to take into account all of the factors that might enhance or limit your success, so that you can be confident in your decisions.

Related: 3 Ways Managed IT Services Providers Help IT Departments Be More Effective

How to Choose a Managed IT Service Provider

The hardest part about evaluating different managed IT service providers is that they all define “managed IT” a little bit differently. Go ahead and ask about their definition, but don’t be surprised if you’re still not exactly sure what they mean.

Here are some guidelines for your conversation:

  • Does the provider talk about business results?
    • A managed IT service provider should be ultimately focused on helping you use IT to meet your business goals.
  • Does the provider have a proven process?
    • Anyone can provide services, but it’s the method that services are delivered that affects results.
  • Is the provider open about what’s included - and what’s NOT included?
    • No one likes surprise charges.
  • Do they provide a comprehensive IT department, or are they just handling pieces?
    •  Either situation can be fine, but you'll want to be clear about the arrangement ahead of time.
  • Do they look at IT as a whole, whether you outsource all of IT to them or not? 
    • A holistic approach to IT ensures you get the business results you need.

Related: Top 10 Tips to Choose the Best IT Support Company for Your Businesses

How Much Do Managed IT Services Cost?

Pricing for managed IT support services varies greatly from provider to provider. What is just as important as knowing your price is to understand exactly what is included in your contract. The quantity of workstations, servers and devices that are being managed, and the level of service that is provided are factors that guide pricing. Your pricing will generally be “per device.” Other factors that will affect pricing will be the complexity of your network.

Related: Need more information on what Managed IT Services cost in Southern California? Get the Southern California Managed IT Services Cost and Pricing Guide.

Ready for Predictable IT Results with Managed IT Services in Southern California?

Accent provides Managed IT Services to businesses headquartered in Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, and Orange Counties through our Comprehensive IT Management framework. Call us today to explore how you can cover all of your IT bases and get the predictable IT results you need to improve and grow your business.