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Remote & Onsite IT Support

Support Desk Calls Answered in Less Than 60 Seconds

Most IT issues can be solved over the phone within minutes. When you call, you’ll talk with a friendly IT expert and won’t have to waste your time explaining and re-explaining your problem to each person you talk to.

We keep detailed records so we can instantly pull up information about your system and get right down to solving the problem.

Much More Than "A Tech With a Cell Phone"

While most IT departments or companies rely on the expertise of just one or two people, we have an entire team of IT professionals. Get help from over 60 full-time engineers who are ready to spring into action at a moment’s notice.

But we hope you don't have to call...your goal is for things not to break in the first place. So is ours!

The most cost-effective way to handle IT challenges is to address them before they turn into problems. From troubleshooting to routine maintenance, we monitor and manage your technology to get ahead of potential issues and reduce the risk of downtime.

  • Joseph Joswiak

    One person can’t stay up on the technology and understand everything. They’re only as good as what they know. I appreciate Accent has many levels of employees -- from the individuals who come in to lay the cable, to the people who understand the software, to the people who understand all the hardware components, to virtual CIOs who understand the whole gamut of what’s new in the industry and how those new features or systems blend back into what we do, or how it can benefit us.

    Joe Joswiak, CFO
    Chino Basin Watermaster

Recurring Issues, Resolved!

If you keep having the same issue over and over, chances are that’s just a symptom of the real problem.

With our defined procedures for documenting your IT issues, we’re able to identify recurring issues and get to the bottom of them – so you can get back to running your business.

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24/7 IT Support for California-based Organizations

You can always get support -- any day of the week, at any hour -- from our after-hours team. 

Improve the use of technology in your office, reduce IT risks, and make sure everything works how it’s supposed to - all at a fixed monthly cost.

How Accent Delivers IT Services

Each Accent client has a designated support team that works collaboratively to deliver all of the services that are needed for a fully staffed IT department.

If you were going to do this yourself, you would need many different people with very different talents and skills to:

  1. Manage your infrastructure.
  2. Strategize, plan and budget for the future. 
  3. Resolve issues and take care of routine tasks.
  4. Enhance the way your business uses technology.

Our services are structured so clients have all the resources they need for each discipline within the framework. Teams meet weekly to review client status and progress, and they own client success. The result is fast response when you need help right now and continuous improvement of the IT function in your business.

Instead of a necessary evil, technology becomes a competitive advantage.

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Ready for Better IT Results? Let's Talk

For an evaluation of your business and a recommendation for an IT support strategy that coincides with your business needs, give us a call or schedule a free consultation.

We’re happy to share our expertise with you, whether or not you decide to work with us or not.

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