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What IT Needs Most in This Super Complex Technological World: Communication

Written by Marty Kaufman

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What IT Needs Most in This Super Complex Technological World: Communication Accent Header Lines

Threats from malware, complicated projects, and out-of-date equipment are front and center in executive conversations with Information Technology (IT) support firms right now. This past month, demand for my consulting time has been at an all-time high. As I advise business leaders and managers who are trying to get better results from IT, the first part of the discussion usually consists of defining exactly what IT is.

It seems so simple. You say “IT.” I say “IT.” Do we mean the same thing? Isn’t Information Technology just Information Technology?

Well, as it turns out… NO.

We live in an increasingly technology-connected world. We have Wi-Fi thermostats, garage door openers, light switches, warehouse robots, cameras, and automobiles that you can control from your smartphone. Tesla cars can even receive email!  

Is this all considered IT? Of course, it is all IT. As this broad spectrum of technological marvels increases, it has become impossible for one person, or even one company, to manage it. 

IT takes a village.

It might not seem like it on the surface, but IT support is very much a communication game. We communicate with our client when something goes awry. This is where we play one of our most important roles. As we work to resolve issues in a timely manner, we take a stand between our client and a multitude of different suppliers to communicate on their behalf in very technical terms.

As I meet with new companies and learn about the IT problems they face, it’s evident that they're missing a really good communication process. There is not a human being alive who could know exactly how to fix a malfunction in every device that has software, hardware, or a connection to a network somewhere in the world. This is where the village comes in, and the villagers need to communicate.

Today, internet connections in our super complex technology world are almost always the most important piece of the IT puzzle. Communicating with phone and internet providers, like Spectrum or Verizon, can be a massive challenge. As I write this, it’s 10:15pm and two of my engineers are working with clients, pushing their internet provider to hurry and fix phone lines for a 24/7 business.

Making IT entirely challenge-free may not be possible, but we CAN make challenging issues less painful for our clients by combining good communication with IT expertise.

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