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What Are Business Leaders Looking for in IT in Late 2021?

Written by Marty Kaufman

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What Are Business Leaders Looking for in IT in Late 2021? Accent Header Lines

There’s a common theme that runs through the increasing number of conversations that the Business Development Team at Accent has had with business owners and IT directors these past couple of months. Southern California business leaders are seeking out ways to improve every function of their business, and that includes IT Operations.

The most interesting aspect of their search for better options is the difference between their current requirements compared to what was on their radar in 2019.

Requests for Efficiency, Technical Competence, and Communication Systems

Today, with operations for many organizations moving along in a remote or hybrid fashion, IT directors and business owners are looking at IT with new eyes, recognizing that technology holds the solution to overcoming many of their current business challenges.

Without exactly knowing what the technical solutions might be, they’re requesting efficiency, technical competence, and communication systems to optimize their new way of working.

Remote Teams Present Leadership Challenges

Some of the business leaders we’ve talked to have also shared that moving to remote operations has amplified weaknesses in their ability to lead their people. The proven tactics of communication, training, and mentorship have been much more difficult to accomplish under the current conditions.

Turns out, you need to be an even better manager or leader if you are going to lead people from afar!

If You Ask, Plan to Act

Here at Accent, we’re doing our part to help our customers and employees advance IT Operations. We’re looking at processes within our own organization, evaluating things we do that specifically create inefficiency so we can correct them.

We’re also looking at our product offerings to make sure that we offer what our clients really need in this new business model.

Our prospects, customers, and employees are helping us with this difficult task. It’s easy to learn what you need to do if you ask. However, if you are going to ask, you’d better act. And we have!

Thank goodness we have an awesome team! Over the past few months, we began looking at everything we do. Our team has stepped up to the plate is working together to do things better and more efficiently for the benefit of our customers, and our organization.

We're ready to take on the challenge of adaptation and improvement. I hope you are too!


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