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TECH GIRL: Change is on the horizon

Written by Courtney Casey

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TECH GIRL: Change is on the horizon Accent Header Lines

Another change is coming in the technology world and now is the time to plan for it. If your organization is running Microsoft Windows Server 2003 on one or more servers, then this change affects you.

On July 14, 2015, Microsoft’s support for Microsoft Windows Server 2003 will end. After that date, Microsoft will no longer release new security updates or patches, and any business running that software will be exposed to major security and compliance risks.

Continuing to run this software in your environment after support has ended will put your organization in a vulnerable position. If Microsoft discontinues security updates after July 14, what day do you think the hackers will choose to go after machines running Windows Server 2003? Probably the next day. That will be prime time for hack attempts and viruses targeting anyone who has not yet upgraded.

Another issue you may face if you choose to continue running unsupported software is the compatibility of your applications going forward. It is likely that your applications may not be compatible as they release new versions. There will come a point when your application’s newest release will not be compatible with older systems and you will be forced to make a change at that point. It is best to proactively plan the migration and update your systems on your own terms, instead of waiting until you have no other choice.

Companies need to begin planning their transition now. Migrating from one operating system to another is generally a much more complex (and expensive) project than many business owners and managers assume.

The lead time is much longer than you might think for a smooth transition from one operating system to the next. You should plan three to six months in advance for server implementation and migration projects. Since servers are critical to your business’s operations, your IT team needs to carefully plan out every step of the project and deliver it according to IT best practices. This will minimize downtime and disruption to the organization.

It is likely that the hardware that you’re running Windows Server 2003 on will need to be refreshed in order to run an updated operating system. Servers are major purchases for most organizations, so having enough time to plan for the investment is important.

Here are general lead times for a few components of a server upgrade: hardware lead times range from 5 days to 6 weeks; server configuration to your company’s unique specifications and data transfer can take a week or two, depending on the complexity and the amount of data; third party vendors, such as line of business application providers, may also need to be involved and their project lead times can be weeks or months out.

If your organization is running Windows Server 2003, you should begin your planning and application testing now to ensure you are able to deploy Windows Server 2012 before Microsoft discontinues support for the older software on July 14, 2015.

Whether you choose to upgrade now or later, having the right IT team manage the project is critical for a smooth transition. If you need assistance with IT planning, budgeting, or project management, talk to your trusted IT support services provider.

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