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4 Forgotten Ways to Fix a Slow Running PC

Written by Accent Computer Solutions

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4 Forgotten Ways to Fix a Slow Running PC Accent Header Lines

We all do it. Freak out when our computer is running slowly. Not only is it annoying, but it also holds us back from getting our work done.

With over 30 years of experience, we at Accent Computer Solutions, Inc. have fielded thousands of questions like, “Why is my computer so slow?” or “How can I make my computer faster?”. We’ve also defused a lot of “I’m going to throw this computer out of a window” situations.And while bigger problems do happen, most of the time, a little bit of computer maintenance can go a really long way. Whether your computer is running “sluggish,” or there seems to be a lag when opening programs, buying a new one might not always be the answer.

Let’s review 4 simple, but mostly forgotten, ways to fix a slow running PC.

1. Uninstall Add-ins and Programs You Don’t Use

New programs have this sneaky way of downloading extra stuff for free. Those add-ins sometimes become HUGE space sucker. What’s worse is if those add-ins run on start-up, so they are a constantly running in the background of your computer.

Also, when was the last time you evaluated the programs you have vs. the ones you actually use on your computer? Sometimes we have large programs just running in the background, taking up time and power. A couple large unused programs could make all the difference.

If you are running Windows 10, there’s an easy way to see everything on your computer. Go to Settings > System > Apps and Features. Here you can see the size of all the programs you have installed on your computer. To uninstall, click and choose “Uninstall.”

A word of caution: Your IT department likely has programs on your computer that keep it secure, and to quickly assist you if a problem arises. You may not immediately recognize the names. So when you’re deleting programs, be careful not to delete things they need. Never hurts to ask them before deleting things.

2. Remove Files You Don’t Need / Declutter Your Desktop

When your computer is fired up, system memory is used. Your desktop is part of the Windows start up effort. If you have a lot of files or shortcuts saved to your desktop, that system memory is being used to not only start your computer, but also locate and run all of those files and shortcuts. This can severely slow your computer.  

And we get it, somethings are easier to access from your desktop. But try to be as selective about what goes on there as possible. Saving the rest of your files in the “My Documents” folder or on your company’s server will save you a lot of system memory. You’ll notice some pep in your computer’s step.  

3. Defragment Your Drives

I am super guilty of this. It never occurs to me that I should defragment, or “defrag” as it’s commonly called, my hard disk. It’s really one of those things that people know they should do, but don’t understand what it is.

In a nutshell, defragmenting your disk is like sorting your closet. If you arrange it by the same colors and put similar types of clothing together, you’ll know where all your blue shirts are without having to dig.

When you defrag your hard drive, your computer is looking through your hard disk and rearranging anything that might have been accidently stored away from the rest of its original file.

This helps with speeding up your computer by not having to spend as much time looking for your complete file. If everything is kept in one place, it can open the file as soon as you click on it, instead of having to think about where all the pieces are.

4. Restart Your Computer More Often

By show of hands, how many of us are guilty of NEVER restarting our computers? I don’t even put it to “sleep” anymore I just close my laptop or Log Off my desktop and go about my day. As on target and, well, lazy as this sounds, most of us do it.

Restarting your computer at least once a week can really change the health of your computer. Think of it as a “juice cleanse” for your computer. When you restart your computer, it flushes out the system memory and helps end the consistent state of programs with errors.

This slight inconvenience of restarting your computer (#FirstWorldProblems) could actually really save your A LOT of time. Try to stop yourself from rolling your eyes next time your IT department asks you to restart your computer; it could be a game changer.

Most of these seem like quick fixes but the truth of the matter is, that might be what you’re looking for. A small, quick fix really can change your computer experience. With these easy maintenance steps, your computer should be back to its old self in no time.

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