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Replacing Your WatchGuard XTM Firewall: How You Benefit When We Standardize

Written by Courtney Casey

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Replacing Your WatchGuard XTM Firewall: How You Benefit When We Standardize Accent Header Lines

WatchGuard XTM firewalls are being phased out and if you have one, you’re going to have to replace yours soon. Evaluating your options can be overwhelming with the number of manufacturers and models of firewalls that are available. How do you know which one will best fit your needs?

At Accent, it’s part of our job to guide our clients to the technology solutions that will be the best fit for them. While every IT environment is unique, it’s true that we favor some hardware and software over others. It’s also true that we have partnerships with some companies that lead us to recommend their products.

Here’s why we prefer some technologies over others and give them priority in our recommendations.

You Get a True Side-by-Side Comparison

Our comprehensive team of IT professionals brings extensive knowledge to the table that our clients can leverage when they’re making decisions about technology improvements. We understand the distinctions between different hardware and software tools. Our evaluation processes started long before a client comes to us with a need.

It’s our practice to continually stay up to date with technology.

In the case of firewalls, for example, we know what security layers are available right out of the box and which are going to require costly add-ons. And when we recommend a firewall, we not only have in mind the specs of the hardware but we’re thinking about your level of risk and what needs to be done to manage that risk.

We Share the Same Goal of Frustration-Free Technology

Despite our preferences for any hardware or software vendor, our goal of predictable technology is always at the forefront of our recommendations and actions. Everyone wins when we proactively build an IT network that is consistent and reliable.

That doesn’t mean that clients don’t have choices when it comes time to do something like replace a firewall. It doesn’t mean that we’re insensitive to budgets and other priorities.

It’s standard practice for us to provide clients with sets of options and help them understand how each path will move them towards our shared goal of frustration-free technology. The list of products on our short-list have already won our trust and we can comfortably predict their reliability which moves us towards that shared goal.

You Get Faster Support

Do you have a favorite grocery store? What happens when you go to a different store? Does it take you longer to get what you need because you’re not familiar with the layout?

That’s the difference between working on familiar and not-so-familiar technology. No matter what, we’ll find the answer and get the job done, but if we’re working with some obscure piece of hardware or software it might take longer.

In the case of a firewall, if there’s some sort of error that causes a malfunction, it’s going to mean that your internet is going to go down. Contrast that with a type of firewall that we routinely work with, and we’ll probably catch the problem before it even becomes an issue.

Standardization Isn’t One Size Fits All

When it comes to technology, standardization isn’t a cookie cutter. It’s the way to get to repeatable processes and the way to implement best practices. The outcome is that technology works.

If your IT company isn’t providing you with honest advice when it’s time to update hardware like WatchGuard XTM firewalls as they go end-of-life, you probably have some gaps in how IT is supporting your business goals.

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Contact us for an IT assessment. Even if we don’t end up working together, you’ll get some actionable information that you can use to improve IT.

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