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Reaching for the Best - A Spotlight on Shantae' Hansen

Written by Courtney Casey

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Reaching for the Best - A Spotlight on Shantae' Hansen Accent Header Lines

Each day when Shantae’ Hansen arrives at Accent Computer Solutions, she fills her work with a passion and drive that allows her to tackle her goals head-on and not stop until she’s achieved them. For her clients, that means they can depend on her to focus on their needs and follow up until the job is done.

From her first role at Accent as a Client Success Manager to her newly promoted position as Technology Advisor, Shantae’ lifts up her team with a dynamic mix of motivation and organization. Her supervisor Corey Kaufman, Director of Client Development, recognizes and appreciates these shining qualities that bring so much value to the company.

“Shantae’ is very passionate and driven, so if you give her something to shoot for, she is going to tackle it – and she’s able to do it with her primary focus on the customer.”

Working to Make a Difference

ShantaeShantae’ first found her way to Accent through a childhood friend who was already employed here. Drained from working at previous positions in insurance sales, dental offices, and a for-profit college admissions office, she was looking for a place where she could not only advance in her own career, but help make a tangible difference in the lives of other people.

“The people at Accent are so willing to teach people and help them grow,” Shantae’ explained. “That was when I thought - okay, I could definitely work here.”

After she had been in the Client Success Manager role for a while, Shantae’ approached Corey about the Technology Advisor role that she knew was open. Although she felt she might not be technical enough, Corey liked the idea and was willing to help her get to where she was interested in going.

Variety of Clients Enrich Everyday Tasks

If you ask Shantae’ to describe her favorite part about working at Accent, she will say it’s the variety that comes from meeting and interacting with a diverse assortment of people from day to day.

“I’m so lucky that I get to talk to different people all the time,” said Shantae’. “I get to hear their stories and what’s going on in their lives and organizations. Every day I’m learning something new.”

Through these frequent interactions, Shantae’ has built solid relationships with Accent’s clients. This, in turn, makes the clients happy and encourages them to bring more business back to Accent.

“I think the clients love Shantae’,” Corey said. “They know that she is an advocate for them and will be on their side.”

Caring Colleagues and Camaraderie

What makes Accent unique from all the other places where Shantae’ has worked? She says, quite simply, that people care. Whether it’s through a company ping-pong tournament, or giving employees flexibility to coach their children’s soccer teams, the leaders at Accent want their team members to do well and to know that they are appreciated.

“In my past roles, there were people who did not care about anyone. It was just all about the numbers. Or there was no room for advancement,” Shantae’ said.

All employees at Accent are recognized for the work they do, in big and small ways. They may get shout-outs at the all-hands meeting on the third Friday of each month along with a spin at the prize wheel. Or they may receive a simple text from their supervisor after a conference call saying something simple like, “Great job.”

Gaining Strength from a Team

No one at Accent is an island. Each individual is connected to a larger team that cooperates to do a stellar job for their clients. On Shantae’s green team, everyone – no matter what his or her role – is focused on the same goal of providing a fast, friendly, frustration-free IT experience. Everyone helps each other.

“On my team, we know our clients very well inside and out, to the point where I can ask anyone on the team and they know what needs to happen,” said Shantae’.

Shantae’ lifts her colleagues up as well.

“She makes the rest of her teammates better,” explained Corey. “She drives the competition and encourages everyone to reach for his or her best.”

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