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Nasty Email and Thumb Drive Virus Contained by the Superheroes

Written by Marty Kaufman

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Nasty Email and Thumb Drive Virus Contained by the Superheroes Accent Header Lines

This month's events have reaffirmed my belief that the team of individuals at Accent truly are Superheroes!

Last week, a nasty email/thumb drive virus found its way into the well protected networks of a couple of our clients. These types of viruses are very difficult to prevent because when you click on something, you are inviting the program to run. As users clicked on the links, a virus that converts the files on the network to a type of file (exe) that your application software does not recognize was released. This meant that anything they wanted to open or use on the network just did not work.

There was no access at all to data files!

Since this was a new virus and the software that removes it did not exist, my team and our clients were in a really tough spot and it was spreading like wildfire!

In a matter of hours, a group of five team members got together and started to formulate a plan of attack. As the day went on, a solution to stopping the virus from spreading was designed. At midnight that night, the team started writing software and deploying it to the workstations and servers that were infected.

Three team members stayed at the office ALL NIGHT getting this terrible situation under control. It worked! The virus was contained, data saved, and the clients could work again in the morning.

Superheroes no doubt -- and the best part for our clients was that this amazing team came to their rescue for no additional charge. Our all-inclusive support program covers this type of a situation.

It was no secret to me that my team is superb. Sure, we make mistakes; we are only human. But in a situation like this, these people rose up and did whatever it took to get our clients back up and running!

I hope you have the opportunity to be as proud of your employees as I am right now.


Related: Didn't Know Better IT Support Results Were Even Possible

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