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Millennials in the Workforce Have Different Expectations

Written by Courtney Casey

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Millennials in the Workforce Have Different Expectations Accent Header Lines

IMG_1208webBy now, you’ve probably heard the term “millennials” used to describe the generation born from the early 1980s to the early 2000s. As these younger folks began entering the workforce, business owners and managers noticed that they seemed to operate differently from previous generations.

One theory for why this might be is that millennials grew up with technology, and because of it, they have different expectations of the work environment.

Since many millennials are in the early stages of their careers and make up about one third of the population at this point, here are three characteristics about this technology-focused generation that might be helpful for managers.

Millennials Seek Flexibility

With the rise of mobile computing and the ability to work from anywhere, many millennials want the option to adjust their work schedule from the standard 9-to-5.

For some, working from home produces the best results. Others may perform better with the flexibility of going into the office in the morning, heading out for an afternoon run, and then getting back to work after dinner.

Millennials Seek Investment From Their Employer

The types of investments range from offering continuing education and additional training, to implementing tools and systems that will increase their productivity. With today’s technology advancements, the monetary investment for these types of activities is marginal compared to the potential increased output from employees.

Millennials Seek Frequent Feedback

We live in a world of constant connectivity with devices attached to us like an umbilical cord, so it’s no surprise that millennials want to have as much information as possible about how they’re performing – and they want it right now. Nothing can replace personal feedback directly from managers, but there are many technology tools available today that can compile data in meaningful ways. With the help of dashboards and analytics, employees are able to view their real-time performance metrics as frequently as they want.

Expectations for technology in the workplace will become even higher as younger generations mature. To make sure the technology your business utilizes is providing value for you and your employees, engage in strategic conversations with your IT provider about ways you can improve efficiency, productivity and mobility.

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