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"Marty Kaufman, you are an Ironman!"

Written by Marty Kaufman

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It’s that time of year again when we reflect on what we are thankful for and begin setting our goals for the future.

I’m sure I am not alone when I express that I am truly thankful for my wife, two children, extended family, and now two grandchildren! As well, I can’t help but be thankful and proud of our work family. Both families have grown in the year 2015 and definitely have gotten better with the additions!

I am also very thankful for Health! I had the opportunity to compete in IRONMAN Arizona on November 15th. To be healthy enough to embark upon a goal like Ironman at the age of 54 is definitely something I do not take for granted.

For those that do not follow Triathlon, an Ironman is a 2.4 mile open water swim, 112 miles on a bicycle, and a full 26.2 mile marathon. All 140.6 miles must be completed in 17 hours or less.

I learned so much from my experience in completing the goal of Ironman Arizona. The parallels to reaching business and life goals are definitely similar and can be accomplished much in the same way.

With Ironman training, the planning starts at least a year in advance, and in my case, 1 year and 9 months out. The first thing you should do is research the sport if you are new (like I was) and develop a long term plan. Next, it is prudent to find a coach/mentor to help you make it to the starting line. Mine was Coach Bob Seaman. (Thanks Bob!) I set a goal of completing the event in less than 13 hours.

Following the plan is very difficult since obstacles like “life” and injury loom every day. You must be accountable for the goal. This means getting up every day and training, even when you don’t want to or feel like you can’t!

If your body will stand up to the training, then your mind is the most important tool you have. I made it to the starting line and finished the event in 11 hours and 42 minutes. (Finish line video on our Facebook)

Now is the time to get our business and life plans ready for next year. I will use this experience to help my team and others reach their goals!

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