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Is Recovery Here? 4 Signs That Say We’re on Our Way

Written by Marty Kaufman

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Is Recovery Here? 4 Signs That Say We’re on Our Way Accent Header Lines

Good news – finally!

For the last few months, I’ve been wondering what “recovery” from the effects of the pandemic would look like for businesses. I wasn’t sure how I would know.

Would I just feel it? Would the government tell me we are recovering? What are the signs??

Well, I can say this month that I think we’re recovering. And I feel good about it!

Sign #1 Businesses are Investing Again

My first sign was that several clients signed new project orders. This is a big deal!

From March through July, nobody signed new technology projects. Everything was on hold indefinitely. We began to wonder what it would take for organizations to get back to improving their businesses through technology projects.

I’m happy to say, August has shown us that businesses are feeling a bit more confident and have started with infrastructure projects.

Sign #2 Vacations Galore

The next sign was vacation and personal time off (PTO) requests. It seems like everyone is going on PTO and it’s so exciting. People are feeling comfortable enough to take time off and go do something fun!

I just returned from a few days in San Diego and it was awesome. Yes, we had to wear a mask when we were in public spaces, but the overall experience was invigorating and fun. You can see from the picture of my grandson below that the masks didn’t stop us from having a good time at the zoo.

grandson at zoo

Sign #3 Employers Are Hiring or Bringing Employees Back

We’ve also seen a jump in the number of requests to add more technology users back on to our clients' user base. This is a sign that employers are bringing employees back to work. Many users are still remote and working from home, but they are working.

Everyone wins when a business is confident enough to hire or bring employees back to work.

Sign #4 R&D

And finally, some of my colleagues have introduced new products. Investment in research and development is most definitely a sign of confidence. If a business owner is willing to invest additional dollars to expand product lines, we are recovering.

Most of us are adjusting to the hand we’ve been dealt and are doing what we can to make the best of it. I sure hope the signs I’m seeing will continue and that next few months get us all on the road to a full recovery!

Have a great month!


Related: Executive Guide to Enabling Remote Workers with Technology

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