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My mantra of “Growth Provides Opportunity” was supercharged this month with VC3’s acquisition of Accent Computer Solutions. Many of you have already heard this exciting news. This partnership means we’re now part of a team of 550 people throughout the United States and Canada!

I got to know Sandy, the CEO of VC3, over the past 6 years through our mutual involvement in an IT services peer group. This group gets together each quarter and shares best practices related to IT technology advancement, standard operating procedures, and financial performance. During this time, Accent shared ideas that were adopted by VC3 and vice versa. I always felt a good vibe between Accent and VC3.

At one of the group meetings a few years ago, one of the members suggested how cool it would be if this group of high performing companies got together as one. At first, everyone just laughed. How would that work? Would it even be possible?

Mutual Benefit Through Partnership

As it turns out, the people at VC3 started on the path to becoming a platform business for IT service providers. During the past few years, they have acquired six other companies and I personally know nearly all of these businesses and their former owners.

When Sandy reached out to me in January and suggested that Accent join the group, it took some serious consideration to make sure that VC3 was the right partner for the future of our employees and customers. In the end, the growth potential for my team and the Accent family would be something I could not provide without VC3.

Some Things Change, Some Stay the Same

On September 16th, the deal closed, and we announced the partnership on September 19th. Corey Kaufman (my son) takes my seat as the General Manager of the California region. I’m staying on with VC3 to help with the transition and to help find other quality IT service companies that could be a fit with the VC3 family.

Our clients will continue to be served by the same people they’ve come to know and trust. Joining forces increases the depth and breadth of the capabilities clients have access to, and employees will have expanded opportunities to grow their careers.

I feel kind of like I did when my wife and I were anticipating having an empty nest. I’m going to miss the daily interactions but I’m intensely proud of my team and what we’ve accomplished together. I’m confident that Sandy and VC3 are going to take good care of our employees and customers, keep the business healthy, and provide the kind of opportunities that only come from growth.

There’s that mantra again.


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