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Don’t Embrace Every Trend

Written by Courtney Casey

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Don’t Embrace Every Trend Accent Header Lines

Doesn’t it seem like technology changes every time you turn around? Keeping up with it is nearly impossible, but there are many technology advancements that businesses can leverage to improve their operations.

However, a majority of technology trends fail to impress once they are implemented, so how do you make sure your choices will give you the results you’re looking for?

Business executives need to have clear goals on what they’re trying to accomplish before jumping on board with the trend. New technology innovations are coming out all the time claiming to do all kinds of cool things, but those cool things may not always translate into making your operations better, faster or cheaper.

Executives also need to consider that not every trend is right for every business at the same time. For example, “the cloud” went mainstream a few years ago and many businesses flocked to it. Moving to the cloud proved to be an excellent strategic decision for some companies; for others, the experience did not go as well.

Many companies pulled out of the cloud after discovering that their organization could not run as efficiently, it cost more than expected, or it just didn’t work for them. This is not to say that the cloud is bad — the technology just needed some time to mature. Today, the cloud has evolved and more businesses are having success going that route.

If you’re considering implementing a trendy technology, make sure that it has been thoroughly tested before doing so. The goal of corporate IT should be to stabilize the environment and reduce the risk of downtime, so taking a more conservative approach to implementing new technology is generally better for businesses.

Whether the technology solution is a trend or not, aligning your technology plan with your business plan plays a critical role in its success. With proper IT planning, management, and maintenance, the right options for your company will become much clearer.

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