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Behind the Scenes: Creating Jobs in Today’s Economy

Written by Courtney Casey

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Behind the Scenes: Creating Jobs in Today’s Economy Accent Header Lines

Our country may be going through some interesting times, but the economy is doing well. And when the economy is strong, businesses seem to be more open to hiring.

That can put a company like ours in an interesting position. You see, Accent Computer Solutions is a provider of outsourced IT services. If a strong economy means companies are hiring again, you’d think that outsourcers would be in trouble.

Luckily, that’s not the case. Not only are we seeing job growth in our business, our clients are expanding as well.

A Shift in Technology Management

We’re seeing a really cool shift happen.

For a while, companies were outsourcing IT mainly for financial reasons. They’re able to fulfill the IT needs of their organization for less money. In difficult or uncertain times, this was the best route for them.

Today, companies are still outsourcing day-to-day functions, BUT they’re also hiring internally too!

The IT outsourcing, or managed IT services, market has matured and companies are seeing the benefits. These days, it’s unusual to come across a company that doesn’t outsource at least some of their IT needs.

In different ways, internal and external IT support are working together to advance the company’s technology. 

For example, we’re seeing companies in many sectors – manufacturing, distribution, financial services, healthcare, etc. – hire strategic folks who can see opportunities for technological advancement. They work with the outsourced IT provider to get them done.

By the Numbers

With a shift in how companies are accomplishing their IT goals, we’ve also made some changes.

In the last 12 months, our team has grown from 50 employees to 56 employees; 5 of which were for entirely new positions. Some of the new hires added capacity to existing departments. While others were created to accommodate a changing market landscape.

In order to be the best IT support provider in Southern California, we HAVE to serve our clients better than anyone else. That’s why we’ve added positions to help improve client relations, to provide educational IT content for the local community, and to better manage our growing workforce.

Based on our growth plans, we expect to hire another 5 employees in the next 12 months. We’re excited to get the opportunity to create more jobs for incredibly talented IT professionals in Southern California.

Behind the Scenes 

Your monthly update on what IT support looks like with a human touch.

Related: IT Untangled: How to Onboard New Hires with Technology - [Free Checklist]

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