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Focusing on Balance, Intentional Connections, and Creating Stability Where We Can

Written by Marty Kaufman

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Focusing on Balance, Intentional Connections, and Creating Stability Where We Can | Accent Computer Solutions Accent Header Lines

We’re at a time in history when there’s concern across the world about our security (both physical and cyber) and what the future brings us as a nation. There seems to be a collision of superpowers that has us wondering how this all pans out.

Uncertainty has been everyone’s normal for the past two years, and the addition of world turmoil is not a welcome turn of events. Putting political issues aside, I’m sure most of us would like the current concerns to be resolved quickly.

I can’t help but ask myself, “What can I do?”

There’s not much I can do about world issues, but I sure can impact my little sphere of influence.

On the personal side, we do what we can to keep our families out of harm's way, and we do our best to comfort them and provide safe environments wherever possible.

On the business side, there are lots of areas we can focus on.

Work-Life Balance

Focusing on work-life balance is essential, yet separating work from life has been difficult over the past two years with more people working from home. Working from home has been great for some, but for others, it may give a feeling of overwork since there may not be clear boundaries.

Many organizations (ours included) are struggling with productivity that disappeared in 2020 and has not returned. We must do better by making the work-from-home structure work for both the employer and the employee.

Career Planning & Intentional Connections

Career planning must be emphasized more than ever before as well. We need to spend extra time planning the career advancement of people. I believe every member of my team should know where their career is going and be able to see five years out. This can be difficult in today’s environment, so planning must be very intentional.

I find that technologies like Microsoft Teams make this a seamless experience in remote settings. It’s not the same as being in person, but it’s the next best thing. Using video for quick planning meetings is an amazing step forward in feeling connected with people.

Companies that embrace video conferencing for meetings and quick connections will be better positioned to help employees advance and adapt.

Price Increases Everywhere

Prices for everything from milk to raw materials are going up at unprecedented rates. For our customers, the uncertainty of price is a very concerning issue.

In IT, there are two main drivers to the cost of service: software licenses and labor.

Gone are the days of using a computer without monthly software fees. Many people may not realize that software licenses are tied to every user, application, and device (desktop, laptop, tablet, phone, etc.) out there. You certainly notice it more when the software vendors raise their prices, which they all have.

Labor costs and benefits have increased as well – and not by just a little. How can businesses plan when we don’t know what things are going to cost?

Focus on Stability

My goal is to create as much security and stability as possible for our employees and our customers. Better communication and planning with both will help. This is incredibly difficult to do, but honesty and hard work are the best path forward.

Make it a great March,

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