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3 Time-Saving Computer Tips to Help You Work More Effectively

Written by Accent Computer Solutions

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3 Time-Saving Computer Tips to Help You Work More Effectively Accent Header Lines

Have you ever wanted your work days to be a little easier, or to get things done just a little  faster?

Technology makes us more productive in a lot of cases, but it can also slow us down if we aren’t familiar with the best ways to use it.

Luckily, many time-saving features are built-in and easy to use.

A Few Helpful Computer Tricks to Save You Time and Frustration

1. Learn More Online By Right-Clicking

Have you ever been reading something online and wanted to learn more? If you’re using Chrome, Firefox, or Safari, looking up more information is easy. Simply highlight the word or phrase you’re interested in, right-click, and select “Search Google.”

This will take you straight to the Google search results page, giving you multiple related articles to choose from.

2. Access Your Desktop From Anywhere

Ever forgotten to bring an important document to a client meeting? No problem. Thanks to technology, you can get to your computer from anywhere by using a remote desktop app. There are several apps to choose from for computers and mobile devices, including join.me, Jump Desktop, and realVNC.

With apps like these, you can use your desktop just like if you were sitting directly in front of it. You’ll be able to get the files you need and transfer them to the device you’re currently working from.

Note: You may need help from your IT department or outsourced IT support company to set something like this up, if it’s allowed at all. Every company’s IT set up and security policies are different. 

3. Search the Web in Fewer Steps

Search the web often? One thing many people don’t realize is that the bar at the top where you type in web addresses can also be used as a search bar.

Instead of typing in “www.Google.com,” then searching from there, you can type your search query into the bar at the top and get the same results. It saves you a step or two, which can add up to some serious time-savings.

Most Internet browsers have this functionality, and they’ll generally take you to Google, Yahoo, or Bing when you use the search bar. If you have a preferred search engine, you can change the default setting to your favorite.

Give these tips a try! When you know more about your computer’s built-in features, you can be a productivity machine in no time.

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