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2019 Progress and 2020 Plans

Written by Marty Kaufman

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2019 Progress and 2020 Plans Accent Header Lines

The year 2019 will be remembered for many significant events; the huge Amazon Rainforest fire, the burning of Notre Dame Cathedral, the US women’s soccer team won the world cup; tons of people are running for president; and Henry County spent $650K to restore its data from a cyber attack.

The happenings at Accent Computer Solutions certainly do not compare to any of the world-wide events of the year, but they are certainly very personal to us and to our clients.

Here are a few events and milestones from 2019 that are kind of a big deal to us:

  1. We added 11,000 square feet of office space for our growing staff.
  2. As part of our EOS implementation, we began holding weekly team meetings for all employees.
  3. We’re at nearly 70 team members and growing.
  4. Advanced Cyber Security Programs were added to our service offerings.
  5. End-of-Life Windows 7 and Server 2008 machine upgrades are nearly complete.
  6. Microsoft Cloud has grown to become a significant part of our business.
  7. A training center for internal professional development and cyber security education was built.
  8. Video chat and conferencing became a staple communication method for our staff.
  9. Our monthly team meetings are now broadcast live to both local and remote team members.
  10. Town hall meetings were introduced with great success.

This list is certainly not comprehensive, but it highlights the progress and improvements we’ve experienced in the last 12 months. To us, progress ultimately means that we’re able to help our clients to be more successful while providing our employees with growth and career opportunities.

2020 was planned 90 days ago and we are itching to get started with implementing our plan. Cyber security is priority number one in our book - for sure.  Security is a topic that I write about often and that we cover through our many webinars and blog articles. We’ve been working tirelessly to create programs for our current clients and prospects that will take their security up to the next level in order to meet the increasing threats of cyber crime. 

It’s our goal to offer education related to security to anyone who wants it. Watch for the seminars, lunch and learns, and training sessions in 2020.

Have a great holiday season and good wishes for 2020!

Marty Kaufman

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