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IT Untangled: What Is Hybrid IT?

Written by Accent Computer Solutions

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To Cloud or not to Cloud, that is the question… Or it WAS the question. Hybrid IT is challenging this idea and it’s changing the conversation entirely.

Business executives come to us at Accent Computer Solutions, Inc. to help them figure out the best path for their IT environment. Deciding where your equipment should be and which services you should use are big decisions. There’s a delicate balance between needs and budget. The infrastructure also needs to be adaptable to the ever-changing needs of the marketplace. That’s where hybrid IT comes in handy for some businesses.

Let’s explore what hybrid IT is and how it’s working for some  businesses.

What Is Hybrid IT?

Why should you have to choose between the Cloud and in-house (on-premise) infrastructure? Well, that’s just it, you don’t have to. Hybrid IT is a method that uses both Cloud and in-house services to give your business efficient and manageable IT resources in your budget.

In a nutshell, it is a combination of tools. Your internal IT infrastructure is supplemented by external Cloud options.

One of the most popular hybrid IT solutions is hosting your email on the Cloud – think: Office 365 or G-Suite – while continuing to have files and/or applications on in-house servers.  

As an added bonus, hybrid IT scenarios frequently end up being the most cost-effective options for businesses.

What to Consider When Taking the Hybrid IT Route

Are you considering the hybrid method? It could be a great resource for your company. We’ve worked with many clients with a wide range of situations.  Hybrid IT is the most popular choice for businesses today. But again, this is a balancing act, and your business will need to mix-and-match priorities to find the right balance.

The best place to start is with your IT professional. Whether you use internal or outsourced IT managed services, they know your needs and your options best.

Questions to Ask Your IT Support Provider:

  1. What do we currently use our servers for?
  2. Which of our applications have a Cloud / On-demand pay-as-you-go model available?
  3. Have we needed to scale our infrastructure learner or larger before?
  4. Does our current model allow us to scale quickly and efficiently?
  5. How does hybrid adhere to security and compliance?

IT support is the underlying engine that keeps your business running; it’s what enables your business to operate. That being said, your IT professionals become even more important when you have a hybrid IT situation due to the complexity it adds to your computing environment.

If you are looking for success in a hybrid IT strategy, the key will be integrating outsourced and in-house IT services. To ensure a smooth transition and a successful arrangement, work with your IT team to evaluate the available options.

IT Untangled

IT can be complicated. We're here to help "untangle" it for you.

IT Untangled aims to provide clarity on IT topics for business people. This weekly blog series will explain and discuss the complex world of IT, in words you understand. 

Related: IT Untangled: Does the Cloud Lower IT Support Costs?

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