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Warning: 3 Signs That Outsourcing IT Support is a MUST

Written by Courtney Casey

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Warning: 3 Signs That Outsourcing IT Support is a MUST Accent Header Lines

Just like when you out grow your favorite pair of shoes as a child, you’ll reach a point in your company’s lifecycle where IT outsourcing becomes a must. Sometimes the tell-tale signs are hard to identify but for companies with 30-500 employees, the warning signs are evident.

Any small to mid-sized company will experience growing pains. But at what cost to productivity? When you are small, the name of the game is efficiency. How much can a one-to-two-person team in your IT department do in one day of work? They are only human after all.

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Sign #1: Things Aren't Getting Done

Do you sometimes feel your IT is being held together by figurative duct tape? Do you find yourself wondering why it’s taking so long for your IT department to complete tasks?

This doesn't mean that your IT department is slacking. They're probably doing the best they can with what they have.

The truth is that many small businesses don’t have the resources to implement the IT systems and services they need. IT is broad and complex. It’s impossible for a team of one or two people to provide all the support that businesses need. If you want to keep up with your competitors, outsourcing IT services get you on a more even playing field.

Sign #2: Unknown Next Steps

Speaking of growing pains, have you spoken with your IT department about what your next step is? An increase in clients, staff, sales, or moving soon? With limited staff resources, how much time has your IT department had to plan or budget? Probably not very much if they’re already slammed with technical requests.

This vicious cycle creates disappointment.

When a business change occurs and the current IT setup can't keep up, it’s frustrating. With outsourcing, C-level executives and managers can focus their energy on their core business.  The outsourced IT provider keeps the IT plan on track for today and for the future.

Sign #3: Increased Hidden IT Costs

What expenses are associated with the IT activities your company needs? Have you taken the time to audit cost association? Would you know how to evaluate the cost? Do you know your average IT department spending?

These questions are important, but can be tricky even for your finance department. Sometimes the costs don’t show up directly on the balance sheet. Quick fixes can be expensive as well. Hiring and training IT staff, or temporary employees who don’t care about your company, are a nightmare for HR. Outsourcing allows you to budget effectively, you only pay for what you need. 

These factors, although hidden, have the power to elevate your company or leave it behind in the dust. So why wait around for something bad to happen? Outsourcing your IT support leads to smoother operations, more technical expertise, and financial benefits.


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