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Time to Remove Technology Roadblocks to Business Success

Written by Marty Kaufman

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Time to Remove Technology Roadblocks to Business Success Accent Header Lines

Most of us have tried to accomplish a task or goal and failed.  Sometimes we start over and try to do the very same project in the very same way, and we’re still a little surprised when we fail again.  Continuing with this process just takes us round and around in circles, and the result is that nothing ever gets accomplished. In fact, most of the time after we try a few times, we are in a worse position than when we started. 

November and December are very busy months for me. My days are filled with numerous opportunities to speak with executives and managers who are bound and determined to get remarkable business results in the coming year. They have serious planning underway. They’re setting goals. For some of these folks, information technology appears to be in the way of achieving their goals.  

After hours and hours of listening to executives and managers express their challenges, I decided to compile a short list of the technology roadblocks that often cause these folks to get stuck.

Now this list is NOT the list that was told to me…. this is my translation of what I heard:

  1. Managing Information Technology (IT) and all its resources is beyond me.
  2. The IT department can be just one person. Right?
  3. We should be able to use old software and hardware to accomplish 2019 goals.
  4. IT project management is more complicated than I expected.
  5. I don’t understand why software development projects always need more resources than planned.
  6. I didn’t realize that going to the “cloud” would have so many good and bad repercussions.
  7. I wish I could find a comprehensive IT solution that meets my expectations.

If you can relate to any of the above, please know that you are not alone. All businesses these days need sophisticated IT management. Fortunately, you don’t have to be an expert in IT to effectively oversee the IT function of your business. You just need really, really good guidance.

That’s why we are offering monthly webinars to help you learn about IT from an executive perspective. In 2019 we’ll be covering everything from Business Continuity and the Cloud, to the cost of technology and the Internet of Things (IoT). Our goal is to be a resource that you use to make informed decisions.

Our first webinar in 2019 was about my Tech Predictions for the coming year. This is a really good starting place for any executive or manager who wants to get unstuck with technology because I’ll be talking about the two things that you absolutely must get right with IT before you can leverage technology for business success.

You can watch the on-demand webinar 2019 Tech Predictions: Nothing Else Matters if You Don’t Get These Two Things Right with IT https://info.accentonit.com/2019-tech-predictions

In the last few years, IT has completely changed.  Has the technology your business is using kept up? Don't let technology roadblocks hinder your business success in 2019.


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