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Time Almost Up For XP

Written by Courtney Casey

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Time Almost Up For XP Accent Header Lines

I’m sure by now you’ve heard that Microsoft’s support for the Windows XP operating system and Office 2003 software suite will end on April 8. According to Microsoft, “there will be no new security updates, non-security hotfixes, free or paid assisted support options or online technical content updates from Microsoft” for those two products after that date.

Over the last couple of years, most businesses have worked with their IT providers to plan for this change and move away from running Windows XP on their servers and workstations, yet there are still many businesses that have not made the transition to Windows 7 or 8.

What’s going to happen if your business doesn’t make the deadline? Come April 9, your machines will still work, but continuing to run Windows XP and Office 2003 in your environment after support has ended will put your company in a very vulnerable position.

You can bet that cyber criminals will be prepped and ready to attack as soon as possible. Shortly after support ends will be prime time for hack attempts, adware, malware, and viruses targeting machines that have not yet been upgraded. Firewalls and anti-virus software will not be sufficient to protect your business from these risks. The operating system is the base level for all computing, so if that is vulnerable, then the system is not secure.

Running unsupported software is a serious risk, so for the security of your company’s data, client information, financial records, etc., I urge you to update your systems promptly. Keep in mind that transitioning from one operating system to the next can take 4-6 hours per machine — multiply that by the number of machines in your office that need to be updated and you could be in a race against the clock.

Aside from the security risks, another issue you may face if you choose to continue running unsupported software is the compatibility of your applications going forward. It is likely that your applications may not be compatible as they release new versions. There will come a point when your application’s newest release will not be compatible with older systems and you will be forced to make a change at that point.

It is recommended that businesses proactively plan for migrations and update their systems on their own terms, instead of waiting until it becomes an emergency. When the technology planning is done ahead of time, system upgrades and rollouts can be done in phases to minimize disruption to the organization and the investment can be spread over a period of time instead of waiting until it becomes an emergency.

Whether you choose to upgrade now or later, in phases or all at once, having the right IT team manage the project is critical for a smooth transition. If you need assistance with technology planning, budgeting, or project management, talk to your trusted IT service provider.

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