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The Cloud Is Here to Stay...But so Is IT Support

Written by Marty Kaufman

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The Cloud Is Here to Stay...But so Is IT Support Accent Header Lines

Over the past few years, there has been a lot of hope and excitement over the potential value of “The Cloud” for the business environment. I have been a proponent of the Cloud since the term and the actual technology originated. We have offered a full Cloud solution for over five years. We love the Cloud and the benefits it brings to our clients.

Businesses Want It, but Do You Know What The Cloud Actually Is?

The only problem has been that most people really don’t understand what the Cloud is. In fact, TV shows and commercials in the recent past have made fun of the term “Cloud” by mentioning it and then quickly reacting with “What and where is the Cloud?”

In the early days of Cloud discussions, business owners would ask me to move them to the Cloud so they would have "no IT costs.” It was soon proven that everyone who uses the Cloud will pay, and pay a significant fee for such usage.

Even with such fees, the use of this technology can actually save businesses money and possibly provide them with more stable and up-to-date applications. The feasibility and the reliability of the remote network has come to the point where it actually makes sense for many types of businesses.

Here's the Kicker: The Cloud Is Only a Piece of the IT Puzzle

This week alone, I had three business owners approach me for support of their IT environment and they were already in “The Cloud.” Unlike the hype suggests, the Cloud is only a part of Information Technology (IT) and businesses suffer if they are missing the other pieces. The executives I have spoken with are struggling with strategy, planning, employee productivity, remote support, on-site support, printing, application integration, and a multitude of way more complex issues.

I was sure this day would come and it's here. “The Cloud” is here to stay…but so is your IT Support Team! It has taken five years, but my predictions have come to fruition.

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