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Weaving Two Worlds Together – A Spotlight on Tony

Written by Courtney Casey

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Weaving Two Worlds Together – A Spotlight on Tony | Accent Computer Solutions Accent Header Lines

Tony has always been interested in IT. As an electronic design engineer at a small firm, he spent part of his time in engineering and the other part as the company’s IT manager. He’s had to climb a steep learning curve to transition from electronic engineering to IT professional services. After all, designing an electronic control system for an aircraft is a lot different from designing cloud infrastructure, but Tony recognizes the ways that these two occupations are parallel.

“I enjoy the challenge of using my engineering expertise to create whatever the client needs,” said Tony. “It’s been quite fun to put both my worlds together.”

Tony has been a Professional Services Engineer at Accent/VC3 for a little over a year. Learning a new role in a new industry has been refreshing and full of challenges for him. He’s been soaking up all the new knowledge he can get and building his expertise project by project. He appreciates having a team that he can call on for collaboration and a culture that encourages people to expand their knowledge and skills.

Not only has Tony expanded his skillset, but according to his supervisor, Abel, he’s become the go-to expert for planning and implementing Microsoft Intune technology.

First Project Closeout Was a Reason to Celebrate

While Tony loves the process of conceptualizing how a project will be built piece by piece, his favorite part is seeing the end product come to life. In fact, he was so excited for his first project closeout that he baked a cake to celebrate. That was also the moment that his decision to pivot his career to come work at Accent/VC3 was validated.

Tony admits that even though he’s stimulated by the challenge of learning a new profession, it’s been a little scary at the same time.

“There are so many dynamics that may not line up the first time in a project,” explained Tony. “But I feel that management is very understanding about the whole process. I feel like they have my back.”

Always Willing to Lend a Hand

tony social postKnowing that you have resources to go to when you’re stuck is vital if you’re going to do something that you’ve never done before. Tony is comfortable with asking his manager for the insight or resources he needs to get him going in the right direction, and he’s always ready to pay it forward too.

“Tony not only follows through with his assigned projects, but he assists other teams with anything they may need when it comes to troubleshooting an issue or filling in when someone’s on PTO,” said Tony’s supervisor, Abel. “He’s always willing to step in and lend a hand.”

Excited to Be a Part of a Bigger Organization

Tony joined Accent before the company was acquired by VC3 in September 2023. He hasn’t really noticed many changes in his day-to-day work as the two companies have integrated during these past several months. He’s excited, however, to be part of a bigger organization and tap into a greater knowledge base.

It can be a little intimidating to go through an acquisition experience like this, but Tony doesn’t feel like he’s become just a number on a spreadsheet, and that’s in part due to his VC3 tour guide.

“My guide was very welcoming and very open to any question,” said Tony. “Just having a one-to-one conversation with someone made me feel like this is not a faceless company but that there’s humanity there.”

Tony is glad that he landed at Accent/VC3 when he decided to pivot his career into IT. He feels that he’s been supported and encouraged all the way and that they recognize that his success is their success.

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