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How to Prevent 'Us' and 'Them' with Co-Managed IT Services

Written by Marty Kaufman

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How to Prevent 'Us' and 'Them' with Co-Managed IT Services | Accent Computer Solutions Accent Header Lines

We’ve been seeing an uptick in interest in co-managed IT services in the past six months or so. Many of the meetings we’ve had are with companies that are already working with managed IT services providers.

What’s happening is that they’re unhappy with what these MSPs are delivering, and it’s showing up in their businesses as frustrations and failures.

  • Interruptions in operations that frustrate employees and customers.
  • Failures to achieve compliance, threatening the ability to retain and gain more customers.
  • Failure to implement an effective security stature preventing business leaders from managing cyber risk.

→ Get your FREE copy of Marty Kaufman's book, Do IT Right: It's Not About the  Computers

Good Communication is Essential to Any Relationship

A common theme that’s woven through every situation is that the relationship with the managed services provider isn’t working. In fact, in some situations, it’s become downright adversarial. And when you drill down to the root cause, there’s usually an underlying problem with communication.

I’ve preached about the importance of communication in IT so many times, I’m probably starting to sound like a broken record. But good two-way communication really is essential to creating a great working relationship between you and your managed IT company. It’s especially vital to orchestrate the collaboration required for co-managed IT.

Look for Relationship Indicators

So how can you predict that you’ll be able to mold the right kind of relationship when you decide to start working with a different managed services company? Here are some things you can look for:

The first is dedicated account management. At Accent, our co-managed clients have the same level of account management that our all-inclusive clients have.

Another is a dedication to IT improvement. That may not sound like it has to do with the relationship but believe me, it does. This is what keeps everyone rowing in the same direction.

Similar to IT improvement is a dedication to IT performance. This is how you prevent the finger-pointing situations that pop up when balls get dropped.

Here at Accent, our co-managed IT arrangements look slightly different for each client based on their individual needs, but we know what a good relationship looks like. We’re flexible where we can be, though there are areas where we won’t compromise, and everything’s wrapped up with a great deal of communication.

Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

People tend to live with problem situations longer than they need to because they’re not sure if there’s anything else out there that’s better. However, it may not be worth it to stay in the relationship with a co-managed IT vendor that makes you feel like it’s “us” versus “them.” It doesn't have to be that way.

Have a great August!

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