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Outsourcing IT in a Changing Economy

Written by Courtney Casey

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Outsourcing IT in a Changing Economy Accent Header Lines

Just when we think the economy is strong and steady, along comes a global event to shake it up. It's times like these when executives reassess what they're doing and look for ways to use technology to improve their business. Fortunately, you don't need to hire more internal IT staff to do this.

While adding full-time IT staff may seem like a good move, the reality is that outsourcing IT support is often a smarter, more cost-effective move. Savvy business owners who have long enjoyed the benefits of outsourcing rarely abandon their outsourcing strategy; they simply make adjustments. Below is a look at four reasons why outsourcing IT support is a great idea - whether the economy is unsettled or booming.

1) Economic Changes Are Imminent 

"Right now, economic growth is decent, but once you dig below the surface, things look a little bit more fragile." Scott Anderson, Chief U.S. Economist at San Francisco-based Bank of the West

Just because our economy is strong for a long period of time, it does not mean that it will continue to grow. In fact, a look back at our history shows that our nation is prone to alternating phases of economic growth and decline. Economic conditions have never remained fixed and you should never base your staffing on the presumption that our booming economy will continue indefinitely.

Outsourcing your IT needs is a wise move regardless of the state of our economy. In particular, it helps to safeguard against sudden declines in the economy. Because outsourcing enables you to scale IT services up and down, you will never find yourself in the unpleasant position of having to eliminate an in-house employee's position because business is suffering and you can no longer justify their full-time employment.

2) Everyday IT Needs Are Prone to Fluctuation

If your company is like most businesses, a typical work week is anything but predictable. Whereas one week might be calm and quiet with little need for IT support, the following week could leave you wishing you had three more IT staff. Some of these fluctuations are impossible to anticipate and can occur during times of economic prosperity or decline. Here are some situations in which outsourcing can help your business stay on track with minimal interruptions to productivity:

  • Challenges transitioning to a new CRM or software platform
  • Unexpected power outages or network failures that disrupt work
  • Introduction of a new inventory tracking system
  • Stubborn computer viruses that affect a large portion of your workforce

By having a trusted IT outsourcing firm on speed dial, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that the additional support you may suddenly require is just a text or a phone call away. Whether you need support to supplement your internal team or provide your whole IT department, your needs are covered. Best of all, you will never find yourself paying a hefty full-time salary to an internal IT specialist whose services may only be needed for a few hours per week. 

3) Outsourcing Allows You to Access High Level Specialty Services

An in-house IT manager often wears a variety of hats. From overseeing server hardware and software to handling help desk issues and managing a budget, there is sometimes little time left to focus on anything that falls outside the realm of everyday tasks and the periodic emergency. Outsourcing provides the highest level of coverage for specialized tasks such as the following:

  • Advanced cyber security
  • Regulation compliance assistance
  • Proactive system monitoring
  • Implementation of special projects
  • Artificial intelligence
  • System backup and disaster recovery plans
  • High-level strategy development

While in-house IT specialists may have a general working knowledge of one or two of these specialty areas, it is rare for them to possess an advanced level of training in all of them. Outsourcing offers this high level of expertise from skilled industry experts who focus exclusively in one of these specialty areas. 

Related: Get the "Guide to Managed IT Services for Southern California Businesses" and find out how filling the gaps in your IT capability enables business success

4) IT Managers Can Focus on Complex Projects and Things They Know Best

Today's internal IT specialists often become overwhelmed by the sheer number of tasks they are expected to handle. In many cases, they are unable to tackle complex projects because they are putting out fires or addressing daily, routine tasks that are critically important. Examples of some of these routine tasks include the following:

  • Ensuring system backups run successfully
  • Keeping software patches up to date
  • Proactively monitoring cyber security measures

While an in-house IT specialist may have the expertise to handle these tasks, it makes sense to outsource them so they never end up on the back burner. Moreover, they are tasks that an outsourced provider can easily manage. Outsourcing these routine duties allows an internal IT specialist to devote more time to the things they are good at instead of spreading themselves too thin. Plus, it is impossible for one person to have the expertise to cover everything. 

Outsourcing routine tasks offers another related but commonly overlooked benefit: Increased employee satisfaction. By reducing the sheer number of tasks facing internal IT personnel, outsourcing relieves job-related stress that can plague overwhelmed IT specialists. And because they are able to focus their energies on the things they are good at, internal IT staff enjoy their jobs more. 

Next Steps

As outlined above, the IT outsourcing industry is alive an well. IT outsourcing is a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes and types, and can help take your company to the next level of success regardless of current economic conditions. The key to your satisfaction with IT outsourcing is to choose an experienced, trusted IT outsourcing firm

We invite you to contact us at Accent Computer Solutions, Inc. today for a free IT assessmentWhether you are seeking professional assistance with routine IT tasks or you are searching for an industry expert to develop a high-level IT strategy for your growing business, we have the resources to deliver the support you need. We look forward to providing you with five-star IT support that you deserve.

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