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Out of the Box Thinking Encouraged - A Spotlight on Sean S.

Written by Courtney Casey

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Out of the Box Thinking Encouraged - A Spotlight on Sean S. Accent Header Lines

NOTE: After 6 years with Accent, Sean has moved on to another opportunity. We wish him the best!

When Accent Computer Solutions created a position totally dedicated to cyber security, Sean was a natural choice to fill the role. Sean had long been attracted to the practice of cyber security and had spent much time and effort developing his knowledge and gaining certifications to validate his expertise. His credentials include the highly regarded CISSP and CompTIA Security +, as well as an MBA with an emphasis in Cyber Security.

Sean is the Security Go-To Guy

Helping clients manage business risk by becoming better managers of cyber risk is baked into Accent’s comprehensive framework of services, and as he worked as a Network Administrator, Sean noticed that many tasks and issues led to a security conversation.

As Accent moved to a higher level of managed security services, he was ready to take the lead.

“I’m the security go-to guy at Accent,” said Sean. “If it involves security, I’m involved with it, whether it’s malware cleanup, running security scans, or bringing new services to improve how we serve clients.”

Staying Up to Date with Cyber Security Trends and Threats

3-1080x1080_090321-2With an ever-changing cyber threat landscape, it’s important to stay up to date on evolving technology. Sean spends a portion of every day researching new tools, as well as reading news and articles about security to keep himself and the company knowledge base up to date on new trends and threats. He tests out new products and is encouraged to use creative thinking to improve security services.

“Management gives me the option to think outside the box regarding new tools and new ways of doing things,” said Sean. “That feels good to me compared to previous jobs where I was micromanaged.”

Fun, Friendly Atmosphere Helps Handle the Stress of IT

Working in IT can be stressful, especially when you’re taking on the responsibility for keeping people and business assets safe from cyber predators. For Sean, working in an environment where there’s a fun and friendly atmosphere makes a huge difference in how he gets through the day.

“We get the work done and we still try to have fun. It doesn’t get boring,” said Sean.

In addition to the casual culture, Sean appreciates a generous vacation benefit and the ability to work from home. Although he sought out most of his security credentials on his own, Accent encouraged and supported him through the vigorous training and testing required to get his CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional), one of the most highly rated security credentials available.

Happiness is Making Clients More Secure

As the security lead, Sean shares what he knows with the Accent team by creating how-to guides and documenting best practices for tasks such as setting up a new device. Although he doesn’t interact on a face-to-face basis with clients, the favorite part of his job is knowing that he is making a difference.

“Security is never 100% because there is always something new coming out,” said Sean. “Knowing that every day I’m making networks more secure so that the possibility of an attack is less than the day before makes me happy.”

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