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How One Nagging Thing Becomes A 2017 Business Planning Trick

Written by Marty Kaufman

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How One Nagging Thing Becomes A 2017 Business Planning Trick Accent Header Lines

Thanksgiving is the time of year I cherish most. I love spending time with family and friends, eating, watching football, playing with my grand kids, and just relaxing. It always feels like the calm before the storm of the Holiday Season. From here on, it's a sprint to the end of the year that will become a blur for most. 

Planning for the New Year is undoubtedly on the agenda for December.

Take a moment in silence. Think of ONE issue that has been bothering you, or a topic that comes up frequently throughout the year. 

If your 2017 planning juices need a jump start, I have a little trick that may help...

Sometimes the issue/topic reveals itself in a slightly different way, but the root of it usually leads back to a "little nagging issue..."

Once you find the issue, take a couple more minutes and think about how much that little nagging problem is impacting the performance of your organization as a whole.
It may surprise you to realize that the LITTLE nagging issue could be a BIG road block for overall success.
Now that you recognize the issue, you can begin your planning process and work to make the uncomfortable nagging go away!
Obviously, this works for Business Planning, but I've found it just as helpful with personal goal setting too.
Have fun this Holiday Season and make the Planning Season enjoyable as well!


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