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My New Confidence-Inspiring Phrase: We Got This!

Written by Marty Kaufman

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My New Confidence-Inspiring Phrase: We Got This! Accent Header Lines

"I Got This." This is my new confidence-inspiring phrase.

Not too long ago, I started playing golf again after a very long hiatus. There are few things that can humble a person more than trying to put the little white ball into the little white cup, using anywhere near the number of strokes the card says.

A few days ago, I was out playing a few holes with my son (who is way better than I am). Something strange happened and I hope I can keep it up. When my ball landed between 80 and 150 yards from the green, I walked up to it, no matter the lie, and said out loud, "I got this."

I couldn't believe the results that came to me! I made it to the green every time on the next shot, even though I had to go over trees, sand, and water. My confidence was as high as I'd ever felt within these distances.

You may remember that Accent hired a consulting firm for IT service providers at the beginning of the year. We have worked tirelessly to implement new processes, train employees, and hire the best -- all so we can provide our clients with the best results possible.

We set out with quarterly plans and have reviewed the progress every week along the way. The process improvements are not just technical - we have gone through the whole organization.

We have a lot more work to do, but guess what has happened? The team has the highest confidence level ever. They know that they are the best at delivering IT Support and Management in the Southern California region. I know it too.

"We Got This"

Thank you to our team of Superheroes!

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