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Lifting Each Other Up Makes the Team Stronger - A Spotlight on Ivan Rubio

Written by Courtney Casey

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Lifting Each Other Up Makes the Team Stronger - A Spotlight on Ivan Rubio Accent Header Lines

For Ivan Rubio, accepting a job as a Systems Technician at Accent five years ago has quickly evolved into a satisfying career full of variety and increasing responsibility.

As he’s been presented with opportunities to grow and develop his professional skills, Ivan knows that his work and opinions matter to his coworkers and his clients.

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

“I can’t believe I’ve been at Accent for five years already,” Ivan said. “The company is always changing and improving the way it does business, and that keeps us on our toes.”

Ivan developed an interest in computers at an early age. In high school, he preferred to build computers himself instead of buying them from the store. Then he graduated from college with a degree in computer science and security.

After working at several different IT companies, Ivan landed at Accent, where he soon discovered a work environment unlike any others he had encountered before.

Appreciation, Encouragement and Laughs

Whether it’s a simple thank you from a client or supervisor, or a shout-out at the company’s monthly all-hands meeting, Accent team members receive recognition for their contributions. That support has encouraged Ivan to excel and thrive in his time with Accent.

“Ivan always gets the job done with a smile on his face,” his supervisor, Abel Vega, Team Service Manager said. “Our team can always count on him, not just to finish his assignments, but to offer help and feedback – and occasionally make them laugh.”

Employee Input Valued

Working for Accent has provided Ivan with stability and the satisfaction of knowing that his work is noticed and appreciated. The organization encourages open communication and transparency, so employees feel comfortable making suggestions to help improve their roles.

“The management at Accent provides several different ways to offer your input, such as email, town hall meetings, or just talking to your supervisor,” Ivan said. “They actually act on the input they receive, and it makes you feel validated and like they hear you.”

Company Acted on His Idea for Improvement

Ivan recounts that when he first started working in his role at Accent, he and his team answered calls from clientswhile they were responding to other tickets. It disrupted the work environment and made it hard for the team to focus on thinking through solutions for the issues they were troubleshooting.

After Ivan approached his supervisors with an idea for improvement, they created a separate team to handle client calls, freeing Ivan and his team to resolve tickets. Because of Ivan’s input, he and his team can now work more efficiently and provide a better client experience because their concentration isn’t interrupted.

Personal Roadmap for Professional Development

Although Ivan’s job title has changed several times in the years he’s been working at Accent, he’s enjoyedincreasing responsibility and professional development. The company offers frequent training opportunities for its employees, which Ivan takes advantage of whenever he can.

“The management team at Accent offers us a roadmap on how to advance within the company,” Ivan said. “It allows you to receive certifications in different areas and help you advance according to your strengths.”

Helping Each Other Makes the Team Stronger

It also isn’t hard for Ivan to find mentors or other teammates to ask for help when he needs it. When he gets stuck or is unsure how to do something, his teammates are always happy to offer words of advice from their own experiences that Ivan can use to get the work done.

“Accent is unique in that everyone takes care of each other,” Ivan explained. “It doesn’t seem as competitive, and when everyone lifts each other up, it makes the whole team stronger.”

A Positive Perspective

Although Ivan enjoys seeing what new challenges each day brings, there’s one constant in his job that doesn’t change: making a difference for his clients.

“My favorite part of my job is making somebody’s day better just by fixing the issue they’re having,” Ivan explained. “It’s such a rewarding experience to be able to help them.”

Whether he’s working remotely or on-site, with clients or his teammates, Ivan’s positive attitude allows him to tackle any challenge or change with confidence. It has allowed him to evolve and thrive during his time at Accent.

“Ivan brings such confidence and value to our team,” said Abel. “He brings you up no matter what you’re facing.”

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