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IT Planning For Business Success

Written by Marty Kaufman

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It is no surprise that Information Technology is changing very rapidly.

New and amazing products are being announced almost daily. Application software is being moved to the cloud at lightning speed. Wireless devices are flooding into the business world at record rates. Software developers are introducing new products and retiring old programs faster than ever. Communicating via voice over IP is commonplace now. Internet connectivity is available almost everywhere and prices are dropping like crazy. It’s incredible.

As awesome as all of the great technology is, it does create some very interesting challenges. Today, it is very easy to engage for new apps or systems. Just sign here and you are ready to go…right??

Not so fast – all of the cool stuff out there needs to be thoroughly planned if you want it to integrate as well as possible with the existing business systems. In order to successfully implement the best applications and systems, a plan must be put together very early in the process.

Getting the best possible results from your technology investment requires a counterintuitive amount of planning for all of the technology variables. Most people do not realize how much planning and infrastructure it takes to implement cloud-based, mobile, and IP-based technology.

Don’t let the easy ability to purchase new technology fool you into believing that good old fashioned planning and budgeting are not necessary.

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