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How to Be Lucky

Written by Corey Kaufman

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How to Be Lucky | Accent Computer Solutions Accent Header Lines

Are you familiar with the quote attributed to Thomas Jefferson about luck? He said, “I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.”

We’ve been really “lucky” here at Accent, as 2022 was another successful year. The combined efforts of our team resulted in not only more clients and revenue but in professional advancement for our people and overall organizational improvement.

What “Luck” Looks Like

Curious about what “luck” looked like for Accent? We need to back up a few years to tell that story. Here are some highlights just from our progress in the area of cybersecurity:

  • We started building an advanced security program in 2018 and rolled it out in 2019.
  • Advanced security was exactly what clients needed during the pandemic when they sent their people home to work.
  • In 2020 we became a Registered Practitioner Organization for the Department of Defense Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC).
  • Expertise in CMMC is now translating over to other industries that are implementing increased accountability for security.
  • Our high level of sophistication in security set us up to help clients navigate through the increasing need for cyber insurance.

Can you see how one thing builds on another? Of course, there are some events and changes in the world that have happened that were surprises, like COVID-19 and the maturing of the cyber insurance market. We don’t have a crystal ball, but it was our forward-thinking that positioned us to handle what came our way.

Succession Groundwork the Foundation for VC3 Acquisition

Then there was our acquisition by VC3. There’s a backstory to that piece of “luck,” too. We have been laying the groundwork for succession for several years. It was the relationships that were developed as peers in a nationwide industry group that birthed the possibility for this acquisition. It was clear that bringing our companies together would provide growth opportunities for everyone involved.

Becoming a VC3 company wouldn’t have happened if their leadership didn’t have the same philosophy as ours. We share the same mindset about growth. Forward thinking is a big thing for us. Hard work is how we make vision a reality.

Stay the Course But Be Flexible

That’s what we do with clients, too, as we create and implement IT strategy with them. In fact, we do our best work with companies who have a vision for where they want to go and are not content with forever maintaining the status quo.

It takes years of preparation to take advantage of the situation you find yourself in today. The goal may change along the way, and you’ll have to become just as good at being flexible as you are with staying the course. Ultimately, your “luck” depends on putting in the work every day.

For us here at Accent, we’re excited to take on our next challenges and opportunities as a VC3 company. We’re not just excited, though… we’re ready to AIM higher!

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