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How a Proactive Approach to Small Business IT Management Delivers the Best Results

Written by Marty Kaufman

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How a Proactive Approach to Small Business IT Management Delivers the Best Results Accent Header Lines

This year has been filled with people requesting better results from their IT Operations.

The requests have been all over the map –- Some are experiencing major downtime related to poor backup procedures. Others have businesses that are growing and the current arrangement for technology planning and support just can’t keep up. I have even been working with folks that are tired of having things break and not being able to find the IT guy!

In almost all cases, these issues could have been avoided if a proactive approach to Information Technology had been implemented. The key to cost effective IT planning and great results is in the process created by the provider for implementing “their company way.” If the outsourced support company or internal IT department does not have good process and proactive procedures in place, the end users, and ultimately the business, will pay with lack of efficiency and unpredictable results.

Related: Get the Guide to IT Support Services for Southern California Businesses: Essential Information for Executives Who Want Better Business Results from IT.

I honestly can’t tell you how many times I have worked with business people who believe that a single person can handle ALL IT issues. The fact is, it takes a multitude of different skill levels of people to successfully provide ALL of the different facets of IT. The field of technology is so vast and specialized that some say it “takes a village” to plan, design, administer, protect, and support a small to medium sized business.

Thank goodness discussing these issues with business owners and executives is what I enjoy doing the most. I love understanding the types of results desired and helping people make a plan to get there. Unfortunately, sometimes there has to be a disaster before I get the chance.

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