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Growing a Job Into a Career  – A Spotlight on Ian Shaw

Written by Courtney Casey

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Growing a Job Into a Career – A Spotlight on Ian Shaw Accent Header Lines

When building a career, growth is the key ingredient for success. That’s why Ian Shaw is glad that he’s at Accent Computer Solutions, where there are plenty of opportunities to grow his skills, and he’s no longer wasting his time in a job that doesn’t take him anywhere.

“Accent has helped me immensely with growing my knowledge in troubleshooting and working on multiple networks,” Ian said. “There’s a vast amount of knowledge in an environment like this, and I’ve learned so much in my time here.” 

Learning to Grow

IanAt Ian’s previous job, he recalls feeling trapped in a role where there was nowhere for him to advance. He felt stagnant and often got stuck doing odd jobs unrelated to his real passion: IT. Add in a toxic workplace culture, and the result was an unfocused, uninspired, stressed out employee.

Fast-forward to Ian’s current role at Accent, and his enthusiasm for his job is obvious. He now has direction and purpose as he handles faster-paced IT challenges that allow him to gain knowledge and learn all the time.

“If you’re doing the same thing over and over every day, there’s no drive for anything,” he said. “As an information technology technician, you’re always seeing new technology and having to learn new things on a daily basis, which makes it exciting.”

Helping People Anywhere with a Computer and Internet Connection

Ian began working at Accent over four years ago. He’s currently a Systems Technician, or a remote engineer, processing tickets as they come in from what he and his colleagues call Alpha, or the initial triage department.

Working remotely from home much of the time, Ian relishes the flexibility of his job and how there is always room for development. He also appreciates that his work makes a tangible difference for Accent clients.

“I enjoy helping people,” Ian explained. “Some people don’t have the technical knowledge to do some of their tasks, and it’s nice to help them get working again.”

Challenges are Opportunities

In his work, Ian confronts a challenge directly and uses it as an opportunity to hone his professional skills. Whether he’s in the office or working from home, he can solve client problems quickly and enjoy a satisfying work-life balance. His lighthearted, can-do attitude makes a difference for his clients, and it leads to a more fulfilling day to day work life.

“Ian’s can-do attitude allows him to tackle something outside his comfort zone,” said his supervisor Ray Chavez, Support Services Manager. “No matter how difficult the task is, there’s never any hesitation and he takes it in stride.”

Support, Feedback and Appreciation

For someone like Ian with a positive attitude, the collaborative nature of the environment at Accent is a comfortable fit.

His detailed and complete notes help the team follow what he’s doing. He also gets plenty of support, appreciation, and constructive feedback from management, as well as opportunities to train and receive professional certifications.

“Accent has always encouraged its employees to expand their education,” Ian said. “For example, if I pass a certification test, they will reimburse me for the cost and also offer a bonus.”

Getting Rid of Frustration for Clients

Sometimes the most fulfilling part of Ian’s day doesn’t have anything to do with the actual work.

“I was on the phone with a client, and she was having a pretty rough day,” Ian explained. “I did what I could to cheer her up. At one point, she said, ‘I don’t even care about my issue anymore. Just thank you so much for lifting my spirits and making me laugh.’”

It’s interactions like that are just as rewarding to Ian as tackling a tough challenge.

Coming Together to Get the Job Done

Since he started at Accent, Ian feels confident that he’s part of a strong team. Knowing that he’s doing a good job encourages him to do better and grow.

He appreciates that he can learn not just from the challenges of the work itself, but also from his colleagues at Accent. He knows that people at Accent work as a team, and that if he has a question, he only needs to ask.

“Everybody on the team comes together and we do our best to get the job done,” he said.

Whether he’s solving clients’ problems or making them laugh, Ian knows he’s making a difference.

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