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Every Step Leads to Today

Written by Corey Kaufman

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Every Step Leads to Today Accent Header Lines

Has something ever happened to you in life that was unexpected, but when you look back, you can see how the steps lined up to bring you exactly to that point? That’s how I feel about Accent becoming a part of VC3.

Over the past several years, we had been approached by numerous parties who wanted to purchase Accent, but acquisition wasn’t anything that we sought out. Yet, we thought it would be beneficial to have an open mind, and we had conversations around the “what ifs.”

The “what if we were acquired” conversation got a whole lot more interesting in 2018 when we started to explore the concept of becoming part of a bigger organization within the industry peer group that we belonged to. One thing I’ve always loved about this peer group is that it’s made up of like-minded people who have great ideas.

Acquisition Conversation Evolved Naturally

The businesses in the group represent a similar level of maturity, so we were able to compare and share what’s working. In a sense, we were already building something together before the acquisition because of the way we were sharing. The acquisition conversation evolved naturally from our interactions, and the more we talked about it, the more it made sense to everyone involved.

We’re at a point today when we’re planning for the Accent brand to be permanently retired as we come together as one within the VC3 brand.

I confess that I’m feeling a little nostalgic. My dad founded the business in 1987, and I started as an employee here when I was 15 years old.

I haven’t spent all my working years here, but ironically, it’s not just my Accent career that has lined me up with the new path that I’m following now. Life has taken me all over California and given me a unique perspective of the challenges that businesses and government entities in our state face.

Moving to the Next Chapter with No Hesitation

As VC3, we can provide clients with local support and access to a deep North American bench. There are challenges to becoming a blended organization, even with an already close alignment of philosophy. It’s inevitable that some things will change, but what will not change is the importance of being close to our clients in geography and in relationships as partners.

I’m comfortable with how we’re moving into the next chapter. There are no hesitations. My path has led me to where I am today, ready to serve.

WE are ready to serve the whole state as VC3.

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