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Cultivating the People Behind the Tech – A Spotlight on Ray

Written by Courtney Casey

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Cultivating the People Behind the Tech – A Spotlight on Ray Accent Header Lines

Combining a lifelong passion with a successful career may seem like a dream for some, but for Ray, Support Services Manager at Accent Computer Solutions, it’s what he lives out every day.

Ray combines his love of computers and people to effectively manage multiple teams of employees that provide the fast, friendly, frustration-free IT service that Accent clients expect. Ray tackles every challenge with humility and honesty, and he enthusiastically pursues the knowledge he needs to create strategies that solve problems.

“I love working with not only technology, but people as well,” Ray said. “In a managerial role, I always had a knack for helping people develop their skills and become stronger employees.”

Ray began his tenure at Accent two years ago. Although he initially started as a consultant,  he transitioned to the role of Support Services Manager after a few months.  Today, Ray manages four team service managers, the resource coordination specialist, and the elite field team that’s comprised of four onsite engineers.

No matter which team he’s working with, Ray’s job is to serve as a resource for his team members by answering questions, discussing next steps, and figuring out the best possible solution on a given matter.

If anyone needs help with an escalated issue, they know they can turn to him.

Career Path Forged from Passion and Aptitude for Computers

After working with computers and being an avid gamer in his personal life, Ray decided to attend school and received degrees in Computer Security and Information Systems.

“When I decided to go into a field that was very close to me, it was a natural fit,” Ray explained. “I love what I do, so it doesn’t really feel like work.”

After working at other organizations in leadership or administrative capacities, Ray knew that Accent was different. He was encouraged to ask a lot of questions and figure out what needs to be done. The challenges that have come his way have allowed Ray to think about new ways to approach problems. This fits well with his own view that if there’s an obstacle, there’s always a way to overcome it.

Fostering the Human Element of IT Services

The biggest thing that has clicked with Ray since working at Accent is the emphasis placed on caring about people - both team members and the clients they serve. Ray’s natural connection with others as a “people person” serves him well in his leadership capacity. He not only helps solve IT problems but also helps his team members develop and improve their skills. That meshes well with Accent’s culture, where they prioritize giving and soliciting feedback and expressing appreciation.

“Accent’s entire leadership team is open-minded and accepting of advice, feedback, and recommendations,” said Ray. “You feel like you have a seat at the table and that your voice is being heard, and they’re very receptive to what you think.”

Accent shows its commitment to employees in several ways, both formal and informal. Many employees at Accent cite the company’s continued training and certifications as ways that demonstrate Accent’s investment in its people.

For Ray, the two-way relationship between him and his supervisor Derek has supported him in his position and allowed him to grow. Through this mentorship, Ray has been able to learn from Derek’s wealth of information, knowledge, and experience and apply it to his own role.

“Ray is teachable, willing to learn, and able to take advice that he can move forward with,” Derek said. “We openly tell each other what we think, and to me, that shows somebody who is mature and humble, with the desire to do a great job.”

Shared Vision Promotes Successful Future

Ray considers himself to be a lifelong learner, and that has helped him grow in his time at Accent. He credits the organization with not only knowing what direction it wants to move in the future, but clearly communicating that vision to every employee. By making sure they have the right people in the right seats and ensuring they know what they’re expected to do, Accent can successfully reach its goals and satisfy its clients.

“I care about people, the company’s growth, and sustainability,” said Ray. “When a company shows that they feel the same way, you know you’re in the right place.”

Over time, that shared vision has allowed Accent and its employees to establish trust in each other. That’s given Ray more freedom in his current role than he’s had at previous organizations. It inspires him to try new things and not be afraid to take the first step. As he proves that he can consistently get the job done, Accent has expressed its appreciation by giving him more responsibility and autonomy.

Ray’s response is to put that energy back into supporting his team members and showing them ways to work smarter rather than harder. When he helps others create the best versions of themselves, he increases value not only for them and Accent but for himself as well.

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