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Bridging Technology and Business  – A Spotlight on Ammon Becar

Written by Courtney Casey

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Bridging Technology and Business – A Spotlight on Ammon Becar Accent Header Lines

Anyone who has ever bought a new computer or upgraded to the latest smartphone knows that technology is changing and evolving at a breakneck pace. It can make your head spin just trying to catch up. That’s why Ammon Becar strives to offer Accent’s clients more than just a plan to solve their tech problems. He uses personalized communication to turn every interaction into a relationship-building experience.

“My favorite part of my job is the communication,” Ammon explained. “I love the face time with clients, understanding how they work, and making sure we’re doing everything we can to make them be as successful as possible.

Ammon isn’t afraid to jump in and serve as a bridge between Accent and its clients, making a plan and solving their problems with a cheerful attitude.

“He has one of the most positive attitudes of anybody I can think of at Accent,” said his supervisor Jonathan Barger. “It really goes a long way in boosting the team and helping clients out.”

Walking the Line Between Tech and Business

AmmonAmmon started at Accent as a technician and currently serves as a Technology Advisor. Although he is a self-described tech guy who started building computers around the age of seven, his role now is more about the business side of technology rather than hardware and software. This gives him a unique perspective as he works with clients to understand their needs, and translate needs into a plan that gets results.

While Ammon knows plenty about how the technology actually works, he loves to provide information to his clients and build relationships. He’s a teacher and advocate who can show clients not just “what,” but “how” and “why.”

“Anytime I can offer a solution to someone and then see them prosper has always been in my interest,” he said.

Communicating Through Problems

As Ammon oversees client accounts, he enjoys helping people identify and solve their problems. This often involves taking an abstract issue and turning it into tangible, measurable results.

“I have no problem walking into a meeting and telling a client, ‘Hey, this isn’t working, so let’s do this so that it will work for both your customers and employees,” Ammon said. “ I saw that I could be really beneficial to Accent in that aspect.”

Whether it’s by email, phone call, video call, or an in-person meeting, Ammon prioritizes communication and makes sure it’s the first thing he does every day. He pictures himself as his clients’ voice, so he makes sure that the right members of Accent’s knowledgeable team are working through any issues and clients are updated as quickly as possible.

Learning with the Team

Since technology is constantly changing, the team at Accent is constantly rethinking and restructuring how to fulfill their clients’ needs. For Ammon, that keeps things fresh and interesting.

“Technology is always a little different, even from day to day, but that’s what makes it exciting,” he said. “Something will change and you’ll think, ‘Man, I have to figure this out,’ but it makes such a difference when you save your clients money, help them run better, and solve issues that have been bothering them for a long time.”

With plenty of organizational opportunities, incentives, employee engagement, and accolades, Ammon knows there will always be someone on Accent’s team to help fight through any problems.

“I’m never scared about risk when upgrading technologies, or putting in different solutions, because I know I have a strong team that supports me,” he said.

Helping People One Challenge at a Time

Even though Ammon has come a long way from being the sophomore that everyone called to come fix the computers in the high school computer lab, one thing that hasn’t changed is his devotion to helping people.

“I get such gratification from my job because I can actually see the results,” he said. “I have a team full of knowledge and manpower that doesn’t even come close to what one onsite IT person could provide.”

Ammon’s role at Accent allows him to combine his love of technology, his business expertise, and his skills as a communicator to deliver client results that make a difference to their bottom line, and make their IT experience the best it can be.

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